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Genie user here, can I use my coax for network duty as well?

I have an HR44 Genie and a C41 in my home. The HR44 is connected to the internet via wifi. This works well enough, but unfortunately the other devices connected to my TV don't work so well over wifi. I need to get a wired connection to the TV area, but running ethernet through the attic is all but impossible.Other than the wifi connection from the HR44 to my router, the networks are entirely separate. Attached is a rough diagram of the relevant parts of my setup. Most of the unused coax runs are not shown, nor the several ethernet-wired devices in my office.

On the coax side (black), there is a run from the dish to an 8 way SWM located in a "smart box" in my bedroom closet. From there, 8 runs go out to coax outlets throughout the house, including those to which my two receivers are connected as well as two that are unused that run to my office.

On the ethernet side (blue), there is a run from the FiOS terminal in the garage directly to my router in the office. There is also an unused run from the office to the smart box where the SWM is also located.

I've read the white paper on DTV networking, but I'm not sure any of its parts are relevant to exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to network my receivers - that's already handled via wifi and DECA. I want to effectively "overlay" a network connection either completely over coax line from my office to the TV via the SWM in the smart box, or ethernet from the office to the smart box, then coax from the SWM to the TV. To do this, I would imagine I'd need two components at a minimum one to "merge" the network and DTV signals, and another to split them.

Any ideas?
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